Howdy, stranger, can we tell you about backup?
If you ended up or stumbled upon this post, chances are you know what a backup is. And for your own sanity, I do hope you haven’t ended up on this post because you’ve had a rather unfortunate event with backups lately. But regardless of what your story is and how you stumbled upon this website, backing up in one way or another is crucial to you. And if it isn’t, after reading this, it should be.
So for those who do not know, what is a backup?
Some technology-years away (read – 5 years ago at most), backups were simple copies of files that were stored on physical devices such as external HDD’s, USBs and CDs/DVDs. As technology evolved into bigger and more complex systems, so did the backing up of those files that made up these systems and enabled businesses to operate and evolve. While the typical end-user would only need at most a small external hard drive to back up their files, businesses needed more than just a hard drive.
Which is where we at BackupRun come in.
To store the multitude of files that small, medium and large businesses would need, dedicated servers had to be created. These dedicated servers had to have the capacity of thousands of typical external HDD’s. After all, the files had to be stored in one single place and had to be available at all times. And they weren’t allowed to crash or wipe themselves. Dedicated servers that hosted only backed up data soon became the norm, allowing companies to evolve without the fear of having their files obliterated by an electrical shutdown.
So backup, backup, backup!
In easier terms, backups are your insurance tickets. You might not need backups ever, just like your house insurance, but in case that happens, complete coverage is your best bet. Taking the risk is not even efficient in the short run any longer.
But aren’t large scale backups a pain to manage and damn expensive?
They don’t need to be. Technology accelerated at such a pace in the past 5-10 years that the smartphone in your pocket has more computing capability than the Apollo 12 mission sent to the Moon in 1971. Large scale backups can be on dedicated servers or on virtual servers, depending on how much backup space your business needs. And with our prices over here at BackupRun, data hosting is cheaper than a water bottle.
You want more space and more flexibility? Our BackupRun DDS’s are for you. You want cheaper running costs? VPS services on our BackupRun servers are your go to choice.
This sounds complicated.
This sounds complicated.
As long as it sounds, it’s perfect, because it only sounds complicated. Our backup systems were created with two specific targets in mind – efficient pricing and ease of use. In the unfortunate case that your system goes bust, you’re back up online in less than 15 minutes. Grab a coffee and wait for the system to restore itself, because that’s all you have to do. Because our systems are powered by R1Soft Enterprise (recently changed to Idera), they’re fully reliable and there’s no issue when it comes to the restoring of the files that are stored on the servers. Best of all, it’s quick and it’s easy.
Add up the R1Soft with a whole host of Windows operating systems, or others such as Linux,RedHat and Ubuntu depending on your preference, and you have a perfect backup package that you can be sure to rely on.
No matter the space.
And what about my stored data? Is it protected? What encryption standards do you use?
All the time. The high quality of the R1Soft is backed up by a specially created Watchdog script that makes sure the systems are fully operational all the time. You want encryption for your files? Done. You don’t want encryption? Not to worry. Your files are stored and protected on our servers, and nobody can access them.
Your backing up system intrigues me. Can I test it?
Of course. We are the only company that offers you the “try before you buy” model, which enables you to test our system for a whole week without having to pay one cent. Try it, test it, enjoy it as much as you can, and if you like it, be sure to get in touch with us!
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