Friday, April 24, 2015

A List of Database Management Systems

             This is a list of all the database management systems that I have been able to identify. If you know of any others, then please email them to me!                                 The systems are listed by type: relational(R), extended-relational(X), object-relational(OR), object-oriented(OO), network(N) and hierarchical(H). Note that some vendors state that their DBMS is more than one of these. In such a case the DBMS type is specified by more than one designation. For example, Centura Software states that their Velocis database is based on both the relational and network models, and in this case the designation "RN" has been specified.
                                    For the primary market, some liberties have been taken with regard to the use of the term "Enterprise." Specifically, if a vendor does not indicate a primary market for their DBMS, then the primary market has been specified as "Enterprise."

DBMSVendorTypePrimary Market
Access (Jet, MSDE)MicrosoftRDesktop
Adabas DSoftware AGREnterprise
Adaptive Server AnywhereSybaseRMobile/Embedded
Adaptive Server EnterpriseSybaseREnterprise
Advantage Database ServerExtended SystemsRMobile/Enterprise
DatacomComputer AssociatesREnterprise
DB2 EveryplaceIBMRMobile
FilemakerFileMaker Inc.RDesktop
IDMSComputer AssociatesREnterprise
Ingres iiComputer AssociatesREnterprise
InterbaseInprise (Borland)ROpen Source
MySQLFreewareROpen Source
NonStop SQLTandemREnterprise
Pervasive.SQL 2000 (Btrieve)Pervasive SoftwareREmbedded
Pervasive.SQL WorkgroupPervasive SoftwareREnterprise (Windows 32)
ProgressProgress SoftwareRMobile/Embedded
Quadbase SQL ServerQuadbase Systems, Inc.RelationalEnterprise
R:BaseR:Base TechnologiesRelationalEnterprise
Red BrickInformix (Red Brick)REnterprise (Data Warehousing)
SQL ServerMicrosoftREnterprise
SQLBaseCentura SoftwareRMobile/Embedded
TeradataNCRRVLDB (Data Warehousing)
YARD-SQLYARD Software Ltd.REnterprise
TimesTenTimesTen Performance SoftwareRIn-Memory
AdabasSoftware AGXREnterprise
Model 204Computer Corporation of AmericaXRVLDB
UniDataInformix (Ardent)XREnterprise
UniVerseInformix (Ardent)XREnterprise
Informix Dynamic Server 2000InformixOREnterprise
Informix Extended Parallel ServerInformixORVLDB (Data Warehousing)
Oracle LiteOracleORMobile
Oracle 8IOracleOREnterprise
PointBase EmbeddedPointBaseOREmbedded
PointBase MobilePointBaseORMobile
PointBase Network ServerPointBaseOREnterprise
PostgreSQLFreewareOROpen Source
Jasmine iiComputer AssociatesOOEnterprise
Object StoreExceleronOOEnterprise
Objectivity DBObjectivityOOVLDB (Scientific)
POET Object Server SuitePoet SoftwareOOEnterprise
VersantVersant CorporationOOEnterprise
Raima Database ManagerCentura SoftwareRNMobile/Embedded
VelocisCentura SoftwareRNEnterprise/Embedded
Db.linuxCentura SoftwareRNHOpen Source/Mobile/Embedded
Db.starCentura SoftwareRNHOpen Source/Mobile/Embedded
IMS DBIBMHEnterprise



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