1. What are you proud to have did you accomplish at your last job?
This question gives the interviewer the opportunity to learn your strengths. Simply saying “I increased social media engagement” isn’t going to give your interviewer a sense of what you accomplished. Instead, tell them how you increased social media engagement for the company and why your help was valuable.
It’s important to master the art of the humble brag to make a good impression. Feeling proud of your accomplishments is fine. Endlessly discussing your value to the last company you worked for gives the impression you are arrogant.
2. Tell me about a time when you messed up at work. How did you fix your mistake?
Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone has the ability to quickly solve them on their own.
This question is not a trap. It’s the employer’s way of learning if you are able to fix your mistakes. Honestly talk about a mistake you made, but focus mainly on how you solved the problem.
Begin by saying, “A time I messed up at work was when I gave a customer a quote that was considerably lower than it should have been. I realized my mistake and immediately told my boss about the situation. I knew the business was going to take a hit financially, so I offered to work longer hours until I had worked off the debt from my mistake.”
This answers the interviewer’s question but focuses more on the positive parts of the mistake.
3. What is your five-year plan?
When interviewers ask this question, they want to know if you will last at the company.
Picture where your career is going. Maybe the job you’re applying for is only a stepping stone to a bigger and better career. Letting your potential employer know their business is nothing more than a pit stop on your career road trip could cost you the job.
Instead of letting an employer know you don’t plan to stay with the company long-term, think about what you hope to get out of the position. Talk generally about how you hope the position will prepare you for your next career move. Mention your desire for career growth within the company.
Only apply for jobs if you honestly see yourself working there for the foreseeable future. Otherwise, it’s not fair to you, the company, or the person who would actually be the best fit for the position.
4. Describe how an apple tastes to someone who can’t taste.
There isn’t a right or wrong answer to this question. This question reveals your ability to think critically. Take a moment to think about how you will respond.
One way to answer the question is, “I would describe the taste of an apple as refreshing because of how juicy they are. While a person may not be able to taste, they can probably feel the juice as they bite into the apple. When I think about apples, I imagine the fresh, juicy sensation that comes with taking my first bite.”
Even if your answer isn’t the same as the rest of candidates interviewing, it shows your ability to think on your toes. Your interviewer will appreciate whatever answer you give as long as you provide a reason for why you chose the description you used.
5. What religious holidays do you practice?
It is illegal for an interviewer to ask you about your religion, age, marital status, if you’re a parent, or your sexual orientation. Employers use these questions to discriminate against applicants in the hiring process.
Don’t assume your interviewer is intentionally asking illegal questions. One in five interviewers unknowingly asks an illegal interview question based on CareerBuilder’s April survey.
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