Tuesday, April 21, 2015

HTML vs Body in CSS

The difference between and  is easy to overlook. It seems to be one of those things that falls into the category of trivial. Admittedly, I have a bad habit of applying all global styles to and, when that falls short, I move to  without thinking about it.
There are differences, however, and it's a good idea to be aware of them regardless of whether we're CSS veterans or rookies. We'll go over those in this post and consider some practical applications where styling one over the other might make sense.

How HTML and body are related

Consider this standard structure for a basic HTML document:

<html lang="en">





The spec defines  as the root element of a document, and we can clearly see that in the above example: the  element is the very top level of all other elements. The buck stops there because there are no more levels beyond that from which styles can be inherited.
From there,  and  make up the only two elements that fall directly inside . In fact, the spec defines  directly in contrast to  since those are the only two elements that need to be distinguished.
So, the bottom line here is that  is the root element of a document where  is a descendent contained within it. In fact, there is a :root selector in CSS. These target the exact same thing:
:root {

html {

Except :root has a higher specificity: (0, 0, 1, 0) vs (0, 0, 0, 1).

So we should always put global styles on , right?

It's tempting to think that any styles we want to be inherited across the board should be applied directly to because it is the root element of the document. supersedes  in hierarchy, so it follows that it must contain all global styles.
But that's not exactly the case. In fact, inline attributes for the following were originally assigned to  in the spec:
  • background
  • bgcolor
  • marginbottom
  • marginleft
  • marginright
  • margintop
  • text
While these attributes are now considered obsolete, the recommendation is to use CSS instead with their corresponding CSS property:
Inline AttributeCSS Property
Given that these CSS properties originated from inline attributes that were written for , it would seem appropriate that they should be applied directly to in the CSS as well, rather than pushing them into the element.

So we should always put global styles on , right?

Well, not exactly. There may be situations where it makes more sense to apply styles to  instead. Let's consider a couple of those scenarios.

Working with rem units

The rem unit is relative to the document root. For example, when writing something like this:
.module {
width: 40rem;
that rem unit is relative to the font-size of the element, which is the document root. So, whatever is set as the user-default at the root level is what the .module class will scale to.
Jonathan Snook has a classic post that nicely illustrates how setting the font-size on  as a percentage can be used as a reset when working with rem units.

Quirky background-color

There is a weird thing in CSS where the background-coloron  floods the whole viewport even if the metrics of the element itself don't cover that whole area. Unless thebackground-color gets set on the html element, then it doesn't.
If flooding is the goal, it can be smart to just set it on the html element to begin with.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully this sheds some light on the key differences between the use of  and  in CSS. There are JavaScript differences as well. For instance you don't need to query for either, html is document.rootElement and body is document.body.
We could certainly draw more technical distinctions between the two, but the point here is to level-up our understanding to make better decisions when writing CSS.


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